
Marty Lindsey


Marty Lindsey is an American actor known for his television appearances on Better Call Saul, Preacher, The Night Shift and Macgyver. Notable film credits include: Sicario, The Zodiac, Ink and Outlaws and Angels (Sundance Film Festival). Marty wrote and directed the feature film, Suburban and the Colorado based television pilot, MENver (2019). Garnering critical praise for his performance as Sheriff Graves in Daydreams of Denis Baker which just played at the 2018 Denver Film Festival. Other festival darlings include the interactive comedy series, The Reunion (Cleveland Film Festival, Houston Comedy Film Festival, Hollyweb Festival) and The One Who Loves You (over 30 festivals throughout the United States). Marty grew up in two places: Salt Lake City, Utah and Denver, Colorado.

Known For

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